
Board of Cosmetology/Barbering

Individuals seeking to work in the fields of cosmetology and similar practices are required to obtain the proper license in the State of Utah through the Board of Cosmetology/Barbering. The Board, established under the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing, is tasked with all areas of cosmetology licensing, from the applicant process to examinations to license issuance to professional conduct rules. Candidates must pass certain training or apprenticeship requirements, and then pass an examination administered by the Board. Qualifying applicants from other states may be able to obtain their license by applying for endorsement. The Board has enacted rules for a Master Aesthetician designation for those candidates who seek to register as a specialist in the field.

Obtaining a license

In order to earn a license in cosmetology from the Board, students must complete the training requirements listed below. Candidates must attend an approved institution of cosmetology or satisfy the educational requisites via a qualifying apprenticeship program. Then, applicants must pass the state cosmetology board exams, which are given in English only.

  • Cosmetologist License: 1,600 hours or 2,500 hours apprenticeship
  • Barber License: 1,100 hours or 1,250 hours apprenticeship
  • Nail Technician License: 300 hours or 375 hours apprenticeship
  • Esthetician License: 600 hours or 800 hours apprenticeship
  • Electrologist License: 600 hours
  • Massage Therapist License: 600 hours

Upon completion of training, applicants must pass both written and practical examinations in order to qualify for a cosmetology license.

  • Written Exam: This section of the same consists of multiple choice questions, covering such topics as sanitation and laws regulating the cosmetology industry. It also includes questions related to cosmetology services, such as hair styling, styling and permanent waves; manicures and pedicures; first aid; and, facials.
  • Practical Exam: The practical exam covers six topics on typical cosmetology services. Proctors will give candidates oral instructions and observe candidates’ skills as they perform the directed task.

After successfully passing both tests, applicants must send in an application for their cosmetology license.


Individuals with a valid, current license to practice cosmetology in another state can obtain their license in Utah by undergoing the licensure by endorsement process. In order to qualify, the home state must have educational and testing requirements that are at least equal to or higher than those of the state of Utah. Candidates must contact the issuing state’s licensing agency and request a verification of license to be sent directly to the Board.

Maintaining a license
Renewal and continuing education requirements

A license to practice cosmetology in the State of Utah must be renewed every two years in order to remain valid and current. All licensees are required to submit the proper renewal application and processing fees, which are $52 for most specialties listed above. The process can be completed online, so long as applicants have their license number and renewal number. There are currently no continuing education requirements for licensees in Utah, though certain specialties do mandate some coursework.

Disciplinary actions

Licensees are subject to discipline by the Board for failure to abide by the rules regarding unprofessional conduct, including providing services outside the scope of the license, failure to maintain sanitary standards with respect to tools and products, and usage of certain prohibited substances for services. Disciplinary actions may include license suspension or revocation, as well as probation or public reprimand.

Master Esthetician License

The Board has established a separate license category for applicants wishing to become a Master Esthetician. Candidates must complete 1,200 hours of educational training and then apply to take the Master Esthetician written and practical exams.