
Cosmetology Examining Board

In order to practice cosmetology and similar fields in Wisconsin, individuals must first go through licensing procedures as regulated by the Cosmetology Examining Board, an agency created under the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The Board establishes rules regarding applications, the training and exam process, issuance of licenses and professional conduct of licensees. Candidates must meet designated training requirements, as well as pass both practical and theory examinations to obtain a license. The Board does allow training to be completed via apprenticeship, while out-of-state applicants can earn their license by endorsement. Wisconsin is one of a few states that allows candidates to practice cosmetology under a temporary license before all requirements have been met.

Obtaining a license

The Board requires license applicants to complete a minimum number of educational hours at a properly-accredited school of cosmetology. The Board does allow candidates to satisfy their training requirements with proper completion of a qualifying apprenticeship program. The specialty areas and hours for educational or apprenticeship hours are listed below.

  • Cosmetology Practitioner License: 1,550 hours within 10 months OR 4,000 hours apprenticeship
  • Barber License: 1,000 hours or 2,000 hours apprenticeship
  • Aesthetician License: 450 hours
  • Manicurist License: 300 hours or 300 hours apprenticeship.
  • Electrologist Liencse: 450 hours
  • Massage Therapist: 600 hours.

Applicants may apply to take the Theory and Practical Skills examinations before, during or after the training is complete. The two tests must be taken within a year of each other, but can be taken in any order.

  • Theory Exam: This section covers such topics as safety and sanitation methods, as well as the details of services provided by cosmetologists.
  • Practical Skills: The skills test is administered by a proctor who observes, analyzes and grades the applicant as he or she performs cosmetology services on a mannequin.

In order to obtain a cosmetology license in Wisconsin through endorsement, candidates must have completed at least 4,000 hours of experience as a licensed practitioner in another state. The Board has established regulations for applicants to transfer their licenses through an application process and payment of fees. Candidates who have less than 4,000 will need to take the Theory Exam and Practical Skills tests.

Maintaining a license

Cosmetology licensees in Wisconsin must submit a completed renewal application and proper processing fees once every two years, by March 31 of every odd numbered year. The cost to renew is $82 for most licenses, with a $25 penalty fee if the renewal application is submitted after the deadline.

Continuing education requirements

Currently, Wisconsin does not require any cosmetology licensees to complete continuing education requirements. However, starting with the 2015 renewal cycle, all licensees must complete Board-approved continuing education requirements:

  • One credit hour regarding laws governing the professions of barbering, cosmetology and salons, and,
  • Three credit hours on the topics of safety, sanitation and infection control.
Disciplinary actions

The Board has enacted regulations related to Practice and Professional Conduct in the field of cosmetology. Most regulations deal with safety, sanitation and services that licensees are prohibited from providing. Disciplinary actions that can result from violation of these regulations may include license suspension, revocation or termination. There are also penalties for practicing cosmetology without a proper license.

Temporary licensing

Wisconsin allows cosmetologists who have completed the training portion of the license process to obtain a temporary license to practice for up to six months. Candidates must also have scheduled an appointment to take the cosmetology exam in order to qualify for the temporary license.